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Sección temática Oficial => JUEGOS, SOFTWARE y OTROS => Mensaje iniciado por: Gatchan en 30 Mayo 2013, 11:32:27

Título: Lego y Sony desarrollarán "juguetes robóticos"
Publicado por: Gatchan en 30 Mayo 2013, 11:32:27
Fuente: http://www.psfk.com/2013/05/sony-lego-robot-toys.html


Researchers at Sony's Computer Science Labs in Tokyo have started to work with Lego on some experimental toys, like DualShock-controlled robots and camera-mounted figures. The two companies are collaborating on toy research, as LEGO is concerned about losing kids to video games.

PCWorld reports that amongst the next-gen tech were tiny motors, cameras and actuators were embedded into LEGO blocks, a small quadcopter controlled by the physical movements of its operator wearing a Sony head-mounted video display, an Android-based server for remotely controlling home appliances, and computer-controlled platforms maneuvered using a wireless PlayStation controller.

Blocks can be built up on the platforms and these could be used for Lego battles or playing tag. Actuators or camera blocks could be added to make the Lego structures crumble on demand or stream the action to mobile devices.

En la noticia original hay un vídeo bastante ilustrativo.
Título: Re:Lego y Sony desarrollarán "juguetes robóticos"
Publicado por: Legotron en 31 Mayo 2013, 19:57:29
Suena interesante. Supongo que esto a Jetro le resultará sumamente interesante.
Título: Re:Lego y Sony desarrollarán "juguetes robóticos"
Publicado por: Jetro en 31 Mayo 2013, 22:19:57
Si, y más que incluso el producto final las posibilidades de hackearlo y hacer cosas aún más interesantes...